Grammercy Tavern’s Monkey Bread


I just HAD to share this with you all! This Monkey Bread looks delicious and since we’re all heading home soon for Winter break . . . I guess maybe you could borrow some ingredients that there already is at home? It does need quite a few ingredients, but I am sure it’s worth it. It could definitely be a great holiday treat! Enjoy!

What's On the Stove?

monkeybreadThis is one of those famous recipes from the restaurants very own cookbook. That said, as the recipe is reported at Serious Eats, it’s utterly wrong.

That said, it’s one great recipe and worth your time.

Makes for utterly great breakfast fare.

But it makes three times what it claims to. Dough wise that is. The rest of the recipe seems correct for one pan.

I’m giving you the original recipe. I took 2/3 of the dough, divided that in half and wrapped it and put it in the freezer after it has passed through the first rising, and before I made the actual dough rounds. I’ll let you know if that doesn’t work when I make it again, otherwise it’s a bonus that will speed up the next two batches quite a bit.


  • Toffee Sauce
  • 2/3 cup plus 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup packed dark…

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Cheesy Goodness


Yummy grilled cheese with tomato soup is an easy, cheap meal that almost anyone can make. I got all of my ingredients at Walmart, all THREE of my ingredients. It cost less than $10 for multiple meals. So I bought a loaf of bread, a package of cheese slices, and a few cans of Campbell’s tomato soup, since I don’t really have the time or skills to make my own.

I’m thinking I’ll make a plain old grilled cheese and eat it with my canned tomato soup, but instead I found this great recipe to make grilled cheese dippers! It took the same ingredients, but changed it around a little:

  1. Cut the crust off of 8 pieces of bread
  2. Use a rolling pin to roll them flat
  3. Put 1 slice of cheese on each piece of bread
  4. Roll up each piece of bread with the cheese on it and place it on a pan on top of the stove heated at medium
  5. Cook until light brown and flip each over until in looks light brown on both sides
  6. Simultaneously cook the tomato soup until it reaches a boil
  7. When they are both finished, pour the soup into two bowls and put the grilled cheese dippers on a plate and share with a friend!





A very delicious meal! Plus it was easy to make.